Consumer Info: Bowler, Matt Business Info: Motorola, Inc.
600 N. US Hwy 45 - W3-62X
Lawndale, CA 90260 Libertyville, IL 60048
847 523-0761
Location Involved: (Same as above)
Consumer's Original Complaint :
I purchased a Motorola Triumph cell for #299.99 plus an accompanying bluetooth (according to their web site's specs) for a total of $378.56.
It was all sorts of defective. After spending a grueling 3 1/2 hours on the fone w/the service providers tech. support, then w/the retail store (Radio Shack), an exchange was made. An exchange for the phone and an exchange for a 'better' bluetooth, (that also met Motorola's specs) w/an additional cost of 32.65. A test was made on the bluetooth- to find it didn't work w/the phone, so, there was an exchange for a 'better' one (again to Motorola's specs.). After an hour a disappointed purchase was made, as the two didn't marry well.
Then a day later, it was found that the phone was defective w/other issues. This time a call was made and a complaint on Motorola's website. Taking a few hours of my day then for another exchange @ the store again- this time w/two different phones to find the same problems (after the manager from Radio Shack had driven to another store to pick one up). Then again home to go through an excruciating 4 hours of gut-wrenching, terrible customer service w/Motorola- to no ends to the problems. Finally after some googling - I found a corporate series of numbers and made more calls- before reaching their 'customer resolution' department to vent, and ask for a solution.
This of course, is a simplification of the matter.
After talking to their CR rep @ 847-523-1351 (Joan) (after finally getting through to their technical dept- where they noticed the bluetooth specs listed on the site was wrong). I went over the key issues w/her:
* Defective WiFi & Data connection problems w/the 1st unit.
* Disconnection problems and weak signal w/the bluetooth connections w/3(!) units
* Lack of instructions and low quality interaction w/the predictive text options (no info on "TouchPal" as possible solution)
* Lack of overall technical info/ instructions in manual
* Lack of phone access during call/ hung-ups during calls
* Camera defection (green glow apparent on all flash-less photos) (HUGE PROBLEM- exchanged 5! units to try to find one that was NOT defective)
* bad connection on headset port
* lack of accessories
* EXTREMELY LOW mic volume (on both video and calls)
This conversation (after HOW MANY HOURS??!!!) seemed to have solved the problem- w/them Fed-Ex'ing me a new one factory direct (that had supposedly been tested for the defects.) I received the package on 2/21/2012 and immediately opened it and began the transfer. BUT:
* my carrier (VIrgin Mobile) did not have the registration from Motorola on file- so, I could not transfer the service (after an hour of transferring files and set-up). THEN-
* the unit was defective (w/the green glow on photos again).
This began on 1/17/12 when the initial purchase was made @ a Radio Shack retail store.
The model is called "The Triumph".
I've wasted over 10 hours in phone-time and travel time, and have spent over $400 in the problem, not to mention gas.
I have all the original receipts as well as the trouble ticket #s w/Motorola and Virgin mobile. I made another purchase of $300 for a bluetooth-style camera to use w/this phone, which I have to return today because of the dysfunctional bluetooth operations.
This problem is particularly hard since the operating system on the phone unit is the best on the market and most of it's operations are top-notch. This is also the 'best unit' available w/my carrier and as I am self-employed and an artist- it's options are invaluable to me. For me, it's imperative that this works.
My hopes is that Motorola can recall it and offer one w/the problems solved ASAP.
For me- the frustration has been just in trying to find a unit where it's physical options work. Firmware and accessory options I can compromise on- but, if it advertises the option of one of the highest quality cameras on the market- I expect it to work. I would hate for anyone to go through what I have.
Consumer's Desired Resolution:
I am hoping for either a unit that meets it's specifications or a different unit w/the same and better specifications.I am also hoping for a bluetooth that works correctly for the unit.A financial consideration would be appreciated for the HUGE amount of time I've spent on the phone, on the web-site, with intolerable Motorola customer service agents (and Virgin Mobile's troubleshooting the problems) and in the stores purchasing/ exchanging the units, not to mention travel time.I'm at a loss in all of those, all from a unit that was supposed to work, and one I've sought after and spent so much on. I've spent the highest amount anyone can spend on any mobile phone on the market.
BBB Processing
02/22/2012 web BBB Case Received by BBB
02/22/2012 web BBB Accredited Business Case Reviewed by BBB
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